How to Access Rebates and Grants for Utah Businesses Installing EV Chargers

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Are you the owner of a business or commercial property in Utah? Are you a key decision-maker in your local Utah government or school system, or the manager of a multi-dwelling unit like an apartment complex or condominium?

If you haven’t already, it’s time to think about installing EV (electric vehicle) charging stations on your premises.

Keeping Up with the Times

We could say that electric cars are the wave of the future, but in fact, they’re very much a part of the present, and the number of American drivers who “go electric” grows every year.

Offering EV charging kiosks – whether it’s at your mall, university, gas station, municipal building, transportation hub, or office -- shows that you’re on the cutting edge. It also demonstrates that you care about the environment, as well as meeting the needs of those you serve.

Your EV Charging Questions Answered – No Charge

With all the responsibilities already on your plate, you may be thinking, “Who has time to learn about how to have EV chargers installed on a commercial property?”

Luckily, you don’t have to put in hours of research or struggle to wrap your head around EV battery charging equipment and installation. Because you’re based in Utah, you have someone to hold your hand and walk you through the process, for free.

Leaders for Clean Air ( is a non-profit organization that’s on a mission to clear the air in beautiful Utah by helping more businesses add electric vehicle charging stations to their premises.

You likely have many questions about what it takes to make EV charging kiosks available to your customers, tenants, employees, and others, such as:

·         What does it cost to have EV chargers installed at a commercial location or school?

·         What equipment do I have to purchase to provide EV charging at my location?

·         How many EV charging stations do I need?

·         What kind of electrical infrastructure do I need in order to install EV chargers?

·         How can I find a local electrician with experience installing EV chargers?

·         How many amps should my EV chargers have?

Leaders for Clean Air is your shortcut to the answers. LFCA exists to get more Utah businesses outfitted with EV chargers, so they will happily walk you through everything you need to know.

Get Help Paying for EV Charging Equipment and Installation for Your Business

LFCA’s services to Utah businesses don’t stop at providing straightforward guidance. They’re also experts on the various grants, rebates, and tax credits that can help you pay for EV charging equipment and installation. The savings can be substantial. Imagine 75% of your EV equipment and installation getting paid for by a government-backed incentive program!

LFCA will help you identify the incentive programs for which your organization qualifies.

Then, they’ll go a step further and actually help you apply for them.

Find a Fair and Qualified Electrician for EV Charger Installations

Another way LFCA helps Utah businesses is by referring them to electricians who have experience installing EV equipment.

These electricians intimately understand the work your project will take, which means they also understand how to charge you fairly.

When you work with an electrician who’s unfamiliar with your equipment, they might clumsily over-inflate their rates. Why? Because they don’t really know what the project involves, and they’re afraid of undercharging for their time and labor. So instead, they cover themselves by overcharging you.

The Money Won’t Be There Forever

If you’d like to take advantage of an EV charger rebate, grant, or similar assistance program for a business in Utah, do it soon. Allotted funds are limited. Once they’re gone, they’re gone!

Remember, you don’t have to be an expert in EV chargers to get started outfitting your property with battery charging kiosks. LFCA says, “come as you are!” They’ll be your advocate and guide. Reach out to LFCA today.


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